Como uma semimicrobiotic person eu ando tendo muitos problemas para tomar café-da-manhã. Nada de pãozinho com manteiga com café, queijo minas e pão francês. Tenho comido torrada de pão integral com leite de soja. Mas os macros sérios não apreciam o leite de soja, por ser muito processado. Angustiada por tanta dúvida me juntei ao Yahoo! Groups Vegan Macrobiotic e perguntei:

O que devo comer no café-da-manhã. A resposta publico-a abaixo:

There are many options, but I'll list just a few. From a macrobiotic point of view, a meal is comprised of a grain & a veggie, so your whole wheat bread would fill the grain role. And as for the veggie (what? veggies for breakfast?!), a well-sautéed onion could top the bread, & voila! you have breakfast.

In summer, I also enjoy an ear of corn (grain), with a dab of umeboshi paste, accompanied by steamed broccoli, dressed with a bit of rice vinegar. I also love steel-cut oats, which I usually cook with a bit of vegetable (squash, or carrots, or onions, or parsnips). A dish of quickly boiled kale is good with oats.

When I'm in a hurry, I'll add some water to a leftover grain, & simmer it, until it's a porridge. (stir for several minutes, and the porridge becomes very creamy) Serve with leftover nishime. I also like noodles with a tahini sauce, topped with grated carrots for breakfast.

Whole grains, such as amaranth, quinoa, barley, millet, or Job's Tears make great hot cereals for breakfast. Because of all this variety, we seldom get bored with breakfast :-)

Some people enjoy pancakes or steamed muffins. Melanie Waxman's new cookbook "Eat Me Now" is geared toward young, busy people. You might enjoy her recipes.

Although many people enjoy miso soup for breakfast, it makes me hungry before lunch, so I save it for a later meal.



Vanessa said...

Nao como pao todos os dias no cafe da manha, mas a ideia de comer veggies (or sauteed onios)no cafe da manha nao me agrada muito nao! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Mina, larga dessa vida.... Eca! Viva o mixxxto quente, o pão na chapa com uma média é claro!!!!