Este é para a Mariana!

Eat this:
Eggs and Whole Wheat Toast

Eggs are a great source of protein, and having them for breakfast sets you up for a perfect day of eating. Saint Louis University researchers found that people who eat eggs for breakfast consume 264 fewer calories the rest of the day than those who eat bagels and cream cheese.

Not that
Bagel and Cream Cheese

At 500 calories and 20 grams of fat, this classic is one of the worst ways to start your day. 60 grams of fast-burning carbohydrates will cause a dip in energy and a spike in hunger, long before lunchtime.


Anonymous said...

Obrigada Ale :-) Vc nunca tinha dedicado um post pra mim...
Vou adotar o breakfast com ovos ao inves de bagel....prometo.
Estou me alimentando mal porque vc parou de cozinhar pra mim ne?

Alexal said...

volte logo!